US Women’s Movement from the 1800’s to Now ~ Melanie Klein

March 9th, 2017 by Susan McCabe & Kiya Bodding

Melanie Klein


March 8 is International Women’s Day which opens a month of honoring women during Women’s History Month. Our guest Melanie Klein, an author and professor of sociology and women’s studies, will provide REAL perspective on the Women’s Movement in the U.S. from the 1800s to now…yes, in 30 minutes. Listen and find out just how far we’ve come as a gender-integrated society.


Melanie Klein, M.A., is a writer, speaker, and professor of sociology and women’s studies. She is the co-editor of Yoga and Body Image: 25 Personal Stories About Beauty, Bravery + Loving Your Body (Llewellyn, 2014) with Anna Guest-Jelley, a contributor in 21st Century Yoga: Culture, Politics and Practice (Horton & Harvey, 2012), is featured in Conversations with Modern Yogis (Shroff, 2014), a featured writer in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Mindful Living (Llewellyn, 2016) and co-editor of the new anthology, Yoga, the Body and Embodied Social Change: An Intersectional Feminist Analysis with Dr. Beth Berila and Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts (Rowman and Littlefield, 2016). She co-founded the Yoga and Body Image Coalition in 2014.